Master craftsman George Berry, "The Woodguy" shows how to quickly and easily make a chess board. This video will provide you with the expertise to build a chess board, so all you have to worry about i ...
Downing drinks while perched on the bed, the floor, and the arms of the couch is totally awesome!!! (If you're a college freshman.) Otherwise it sucks. Don't get us wrong; living small doesn't mean yo ...
Here's a great introduction to the scroll saw. If you're a craft woodworker, you probably already know what a useful tool it is. It's the best saw for making precision cuts in wood, plastic, and metal ...
Why sit on a regular old couch when you can get in the fast lane? Guru Brian shows how he made the hotrod-inspired furniture featured in Episode 5 of My Home 2.0. ...
In this video series, watch as professional circus performer Paul Anderson teaches how to build and walk on stilts. Learn how to saw wood for stilts, how to make tin can stilts, how to build hand held ...
Why not add excitement to your picture or photo by building your own custom frame. Our expert framer, Debbie Reeves, will show you how to spice up your walls with with the charming frames in this free ...
This video shows how to produce the mortise and tenon joinery unique to rustic furniture made from found branches and sticks. There are a number of obstacles to overcome, including aligning parts and ...
This clip walks through the process of making an end grain cutting board (or butcher block) from maple and purple heart. This basic project is suitable for most skill levels and the techniques describ ...
McDermott demonstrates how to carve the letter 'R." This complex letter covers almost all of the techniques required to carve any other letter in the alphabet. ...
Cock beading can add depth to a drawer face and help conceal the gap between the drawer and the drawer box. Steve Latta demonstrates two methods for creating cock beading. One technique uses tradition ...