Kathy Carroll of the Chicago Institute of Fine Finishes and Faux by Kathy demonstrates how to give a decorative distressed look to antique furniture pieces. Distressing is a great way to revive outdat ...
Whittling has been around for years and years and doesn't require a great amount of skill to perform. What it does require is patience, a steady hand, and a creative mind. This tutorial focuses on how ...
Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka (creator of the crystal chair) is back with a new "shape-shifting" chair, set to debut at Milan Design Fair this upcoming week. Inhabitat reports: "Made of recycle ...
If your yard is full of pests in the summertime that you can't get rid of, consider building a bat box. Bats are great animals - they eat any unwanted insects and only come out at night so they don't ...
A lot of people fear bats; in fact, bats rank third on America's most feared list behind spiders and snakes. Most people get nervous around bats because they are hard to see at night and can fly aroun ...
If that old chair is covered in holes or stains, or boasts a pattern that can best be described as "70s chic" it may be time to update it a bit. In this video learn how to save your favorite comfy ch ...
The Wood Whisperer demonstrates how we can install hinges on a cabinet without a tape measure, using relative dimensioning. In this example, we use center lines instead of marking the top and bottom ...
Let's face facts: Upholstering a cushion can be difficult. However, it can also be easy. So easy, in fact, that this video guide can present a complete and thorough overview of the entire process in j ...
If your furniture has seen better days but is nevertheless structurally sound, restoring it might be as simple as applying a fresh layer of paint or wood stain. This free video tutorial demonstrates a ...
Enhance your garage with a custom-built workbench. If you can use a wooden workbench, you can build one. And this carpenter's guide, which presents a complete breakdown of the build process, will show ...