With severed, angled gaps in three out of four legs, it looks like the work of a chainsaw-wielding maniac. But those gaps are clean cut and without blood, despite the redness of the slices, and definitely not the work of Leatherface.
It takes a special kind of mind to look at an M.C. Escher drawing and see a blueprint. And yet, looking at this working 3D model of Escher's Waterfall, one gets the impression that YouTube's mcwolles may have done just that!
If you only see one power tool-related YouTube clip this year, make it WoodWorkingInAction's "Bandsaw Magic." We give this one two totally-not-severed thumbs way up!
Gotta get myself one of these walking crab tables. (Now if only it came on command. Life would be complete.) Question is, how does one build something like this? Post ideas below.
If you've got $1.6 million in spare change, imagine this: you could be sleeping on a bonafide hovercraft. Designed by Dutchman Janjaap Ruijssenaars, the Floating Bed is the world's most expensive bed, employing "never weakening permanent magnetism" to hover above the ground.
Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka (creator of the crystal chair) is back with a new "shape-shifting" chair, set to debut at Milan Design Fair this upcoming week.
Unfortunately there's no information in English on this Japanese craftsman's incredible mechanical wooden sculptures. His YouTube profile lists his occupation as pharmacist (apparently he's a pharmacist with some crazy woodworking skills).
Now, that's some whittling. Awesome school-desk-art by Ben Turnbull. See how wood carver Bob Seguin makes a mini navy colt revolver out of basswood here.
Foldschool offers free download plans to create 3 different cardboard chairs. Each chair is designed by Swiss-based architect Nicola Enrico Stäubli. Design conscious & cheap, folding-it-yourself is a fun, cheap alternative to a trip to Ikea.
Most of us love Ikea because it is cheap, contemporary design-conscious, and the megastore's cafeteria serves 15 delicious Swedish meatballs for the low price of $4.99.