Want a work table for your garage workshop? If you can use a wooden workbench, you can build one. And this carpenter's guide, which presents a complete breakdown of the build process, will show you pr ...
A good first project for anyone interested in doing woodworking projects on a regular or semi-regular basis is, naturally, a wooden workbench. This carpenter's guide will help you to build a solid wor ...
Have an interest in building a protruded mantelpiece for your fireplace? It's easy. So easy, in fact, that this free woodworker's guide can present a complete overview of the process in fewer than 10 ...
Beautiful cabinets really make the kitchen, don't they? Not only are cabinets handy storage, they also lend a certain level of elegance to the room depending on their craftmanship. If you would like ...
If you're looking for a means of saving money as well as closet space, installing your own built-in wardrobe can be a great way to go. This free DIY video tutorial provides a nuts-and-bolts overview o ...
In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to make an accurate boomerang. Material required are 4-6mm thick ply wood or hard board or paper-mache, saw and some spray paint. Search for and ...
First, the plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) subfloor floats on a corrugated or "cleated" waterproof underlayment, so the wood never actually touches the floor. The underlayment material can be m ...
In this tutorial, you will learn exactly how to make a router-based inlay. And inlay is made up of small cut out sections of wood, and looks like a stencil or pattern when you are finished.Inlay is a ...
In this five part video series, we are going to be creating a gorgeous storage chest that is sure to be a favorite at your house. Over the course of these videos, I will give you easy to follow instr ...
Danny Lipford and Allen Lyle demonstrate how to turn an old door into a desk. First, remove the door hinges. Then, fill the biggest part of the voided hardware holes with wood and seal them with bondi ...