Eagle Lake Woodworking, hosted by John Nixon, offers great do-it-yourself guides for building your own furniture, especially in the American Arts and Crafts style, and turning your garage into an amateur woodshop. Search Eagle Lake on WonderHowTo for more carpentry tutorial videos. From Eagle Lake Woodworking on this specific lesson:
The horizontal router table is my new favorite addition to the shop. The benefits of having a router in the horizontal position for some operations is unmatched! You can do some really cool routing operations in the horizontal position.
The 12 minute video shows how to make crown molding, trim molding, mortise and tenon joints, and raised panels - all using the MLCS horizontal router table. See the benefits of using a horizontal table when working with wide stock. The Horizontal Router Table makes auxiliary fences, multiple featherboards and jigs unnecessary. Visit MLCS Woodworking for more information.
This video covers:
* Making custom trim molding
* Crown Molding
* Mortise and Tenon Joints
* Rabbits
* Raised Panels
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